Friday, November 8, 2013

Earrings, anyone?

I started making earrings a couple of years ago when I found a design on Pinterest, taking an unfolded paper clip and some embroidery floss.  I played around with those, and got some interest from my coworkers and the girls at Club.
A couple of months ago, however, I went to a garage sale and found a big tub full of beads and buttons.  It got me thinking, and I decided I wanted to try to make beaded earrings.  I mentioned this to one of my coworkers, and she got excited.  She asked me if I would be willing to create some earrings for two necklaces she had.  She loved the necklaces, but didn't have any earrings to match!  I took the challenge, and am quite proud of the outcomes!

She absolutely loved them, and I get a small thrill every time she wears them.  She told me that I did a fantastic job and I need to make some more!  So, I've taken her advice (thanks, Arlese!) and decided that I am going to try this.  
I created an Etsy when I did my other earrings, but I didn't get a single view.  So, I decided to for-go that and just try it this way for awhile.  I will post pictures of the earrings as I make them, as well as the price.  If you see any that you would like, send me an email at!  I have been acquiring a ton of beads as of late, so there will be tons of different styles and colors!  
If you, like Arlese, have a necklace that you love, but not any earrings, I'm up for the challenge!  Just let me know!
Here's hoping this goes somewhere.  I'm finding that making the earrings is relaxing for me.  I haven't gotten enough courage to try necklaces yet, but you never know!

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